Join a small group or class
this Winter/Spring semester
Here are a couple of the Small Groups or Classes to consider joining.
For a full listing of groups offered and to sign up, visit here:
Class: The problem with the Bible
For many, the Bible is a source of inspiration and hope, but for others, it can feel confusing, outdated, or even troubling. How can an ancient book speak to a modern world? In this class, we’ll confront these challenges, explore the Bible’s grand story, and discover practical ways to read it with clarity and purpose. Whether you’re skeptical, curious, or seeking a deeper relationship with Scripture, this series is an invitation to wrestle with and rediscover the Bible’s transformative power.
Habits of the Household
For newlyweds and parents of younger kids, days can QUICKLY pass by, without any intentionality. During this class, we will look at some habits that are vital to develop and practice to create a home and life we dream to have. Conversations will cover habits around morning routines, mealtimes, phone and screens, bedtime, play, work, and discipline. Class will be held every other Tuesday at the church, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, and is based on the book by Justin Whitmel Earley. Childcare will be provided. First day of meeting: Tuesday, 4th, 2025
Kids Choir
Elementary Age Kids and Parents: Sign up for a Seasonal KIDS CHOIR at Woodmark Church.
Weekly practices start March 4th, for 2 months
Two performances scheduled: April 13th and May 11th!
Practices will be held Tuesday evenings at the church, 6:30 pm to 8 pm (during the same time as adult small groups and weekly youth gatherings).
Classes led by Pastor Max Kulinich and his team.
Weekly practices start March 4th, for 2 months
Two performances scheduled: April 13th and May 11th!
Practices will be held Tuesday evenings at the church, 6:30 pm to 8 pm (during the same time as adult small groups and weekly youth gatherings).
Classes led by Pastor Max Kulinich and his team.