Intensive Training Schedule 

Church Momentum Collaborative
October, 2024


9:00 am: 

Session 1: Larry Osborne

11:15 am:

Session 2: Jeremy Potts

Vadim Dashkevich

12:30 pm: 

Lunch (Provided on campus)

1:30 pm: 

Split Session 1
Ethnic churches planting English services in Main Sanctuary
Church Planters downstairs in Chapel

3:00 pm:

Breakout Sessions

4:20 pm:

Free Time/Dinner off campus

7:00 pm:

Evening Session with Larry Osbourne


9:00 am:

Session 3: Andrew Moroz &  Panel on Rhythms of a healthy leader

11:15 am:

Small Groups: Larry Osborn and Mike Khochay

12:15 pm:

Lunch (Provided on campus)

1:15 pm:

Split Session 2
Ethnic churches planting English services in Main Sanctuary
Church Planters downstairs in Chapel

2:45 pm:

Breakout Sessions

4:00 pm:

5:15 pm:

7:00 pm:

Q&A Panel

Dinner on campus

Evening Session with Bogdan Bondarenko

9:00 pm:

Evening Arter-Party